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  • frozentundra123456 - Saturday, September 24, 2011 - link

    At least they finally got the game out. As the title said, I would have preferred a single player game to tie up the plot from KOTOR 1 and 2. Seems kind of expensive to have to pay this much for the game and 14.95 per month too. Even WoW only costs 39.95 to purchase the game doesnt it?? I would probably prefer Diablo 3 to this. At least there are no subscription fees and if you want to spend money after the original purchase, you can purchase upgrades.
  • Etsp - Saturday, September 24, 2011 - link

    The WoW price is deceptive. It's $39.99 before you buy the expansion packs. There are three out right now, and they are each at least $20.00 a piece.
  • frozentundra123456 - Saturday, September 24, 2011 - link

    yes, that is true. However, I bet there will be expansion packs for TOR just like there are with WOW. So then you have to pay for those too.

    When you think about it, I guess 14.95 per month is not really that much, considering that people pay 50-100 per month for a phone plan, 50.00 per month for internet, etc. But if you have two or three people in the same family that want to play, it adds up.

    Personally, I just dont want to get involved in an MMO, as much as I would have liked to see a single player KOTOR 3.
  • Hays - Saturday, September 24, 2011 - link

    Actually you can buy Original wow for $5, I've seen them @ Bestbuy ( expantion packs not included of course). Its just the disc with a flimsy slip over it and some shrink wrap. I'm not sure but I think you can even get the game for free, you just gotta pay for a sub.
  • Sabresiberian - Thursday, September 29, 2011 - link

    Just who is trying to deceive anyone?

    You can buy the original WoW and the first expansion for $19.99 (In case you think I'm trying to "deceive" you, I'll mention that doesn't include any taxes that might apply. Wouldn't want you to get the wrong impression, now would I?).

    To get to the current content cap, you then need to buy 2 more X-paks, and they are retail $39.99 each, U.S. Whether you can get them cheaper at a discount store, I don't know - newegg has them for a little less and you may save tax as well there.

  • Flunk - Saturday, September 24, 2011 - link

    Comparing a new game with one that's been out for 7 years with a new one doesn't make sense. Many people are totally sick of WoW at this point.

    TOR is a totally different type of MMO, with ridiculously high production values. It could very well be the biggest MMO ever made if free to play is the only workable model from now on. I hope this isn't true because a lot more can be done with the extra cash. Take a look at WoW as an example.

    I for one will gladly pay $15 a month to play an MMO, provided that it is a great experience. $15 is basically unnoticeable when I add it to my electric, phone, cable, internet, water, gas and rent bills. Maybe it will even scare some of the little kiddies away.
  • frozentundra123456 - Saturday, September 24, 2011 - link

    Sounds like you have made up your mind what the game will be like even before the full game is released. I dont really know how you can be sure that the production values will be so high.

    Personally, as I said, I refuse to play MMOs, but might give this a try if the single player experience is a great as they are saying it will be. However, I dont really see how you can integrate an outstanding single player game in an MMO. And if there is some sort of single player storyline, it must never come to any kind of conclusion, otherwise how will they keep you playing the game. But it would be interesting if they included a single player storyline that could be finished within the month of play that is included in the game, but made a different storyline for those that wanted the MMO experience and wanted to pay the monthly fee to keep playing.
  • Leonick - Sunday, September 25, 2011 - link

    Well he could have played the beta...
    There is a "singleplayer storyline", one per class, so plenty of story there. Don't know how they end them as I didn't play any character that far but a games story can end without the game ending, many RPGs have done that.
  • Flunk - Sunday, September 25, 2011 - link

    I can't comment on that for legal reasons.
  • xxsk8er101xx - Monday, September 26, 2011 - link

    You are wrong. When WoW first came out it was 50 bucks. Which is equivalent to the 60 bucks the games costs now. Inflation. Wow is also 15 a month.

    Even today the WoW costs roghly 60 bucks with all the expansions. No it's not free because you need the cd-key to add to your account plus the sub.

    It's like you all live in 1980's ....
  • Hrel - Saturday, September 24, 2011 - link

    If they switched to 60 bucks for the game WITH a full year. THen 60/year after that then I think that'd be fair. Assuming that 60/year included expansions. If you have to pay for expansions as well then buying those expansions should extend your subscription, 1 month/5 bucks.
  • formulav8 - Saturday, September 24, 2011 - link

    Many people basically begged L. Arts to bring out a KOTOR3 and yet they ignored the people and bring out this stuff instead. I also hate the you have to buy the game and also pay us to play it.

    I have two brothers who are happly looking forward to it though. Have fun!
  • frozentundra123456 - Saturday, September 24, 2011 - link

    I totally agree with you. I used to go into a rant every time I thought about being stuck with an MMO instead of KOTOR 3. Now I guess I have just accepted it and have decided that it is not worth getting angry about. Money talks, and LA/Bioware/EA must think they can make a bundle off this.

  • int9 - Monday, September 26, 2011 - link

    Bioware devs have called this game "KotOR3" on several occasions. The dialog, worlds, classes, voiceovers, camera, combat, space travel (I think), and (perhaps) story are the same. One of the writers stated that just 1 out of 3+ TOR chapters, each specific to one class, is greater in length to the entire KotOR game.

    Watch some of TotalBiscuit's videos about The Old Republic:

    I probably won't be playing TOR though. I'm far more interested in ME3, Skyrim, and ARMA2/3.
  • FITCamaro - Saturday, September 24, 2011 - link

    About time they dated the game.
  • Cannyone - Saturday, September 24, 2011 - link

    "But with so many big, licensed MMOs going free-to-play (DC Universe Online, Star Trek Online), it will be interesting to see how long The Old Republic’s subscription model lasts."

    The thing to note is that DCUO is an SOE title and they had their servers go down, which didn't help their subscription rates. And STO is managed by Cryptic, who expected their game to flop so they sold a massive number of Life Time Subscriptions. Neither one of those things are likely to happen with SWTOR.

    Now you can hope it will go F2P. Be my guest! Still don't complain too loudly when that doesn't work out, because most of SWTOR's customers won't be terribly simpathetic.
  • Craig Getting - Saturday, September 24, 2011 - link

    Fair point about SOE. DCUO's development was also incredibly troubled.
  • khory - Tuesday, September 27, 2011 - link

    The article also fails to mention that those games really aren't that good. They are ok, but not good enough to warrant a subscription.

    I thing the subscription model will be fine if the game is a quality product. Based on what I've seen and the little bit of playtime I got at PAX, I have high hopes.
  • LordSojar - Saturday, September 24, 2011 - link

    After Guild Wars 2 comes out, the short stint that SWTOR will have had will be over. GW2 is going to crush this poor excuse for a modern MMO. The market doesn't need WoW 2.0 with Star Wars skins, it needs an entirely new way to play an online game... Oh, and the P2P model is so old... get a clue... F2P + micro trans is the way to do it. Most companies won't though, because they are too afraid they might have to actually continue to offer things that customers want to buy and keep their games content new and fresh instead of just offering NEW AREA TO GRIND 3.0!

    Here's hoping the MMO community has gotten a bit smarter and SWTOR fails, as it should being an uncreative bucket of regurgitated Star Wars vomit.
  • Hays - Saturday, September 24, 2011 - link

    This is true for the most part, I been playing MMO's for the greater part of 10 years now and I must say im tired of the grind, then an expansion comes out and its the grind all over again, the gear you grinded for so hard in the previous expansion is useless. Although I do hope this new version of a star wars based game has lots of space content involved. I mean really, who wants to just roam planets? I would rather be in space blasting enemies to bits, going from quadrant to quadrant pillaging or battling opposing factions and taking out gunships or capitol ships! Personally I love watching the space combat in the star wars movies!
  • LordanSS - Sunday, September 25, 2011 - link

    To be honest with you.. Jump to Lightspeed was an awesome expansion for Star Wars Galaxies.

    Hanging out with my friends, flying X-Wings, Y-Wings and civ ships to take down the Corvette in Kessel was a rush.

    After that JtL came out, most of our time was spent in space... we'd only come down to planets to sell and buy new stuff and ship parts. Too bad they didn't expand the space experience as much as they could... but I guess you could say the same about the whole game. Tons of potential that never really got delivered. =/
  • Flunk - Saturday, September 24, 2011 - link

    If that's true why didn't the first Guild Wars crush WoW?
  • Vinny DePaul - Saturday, September 24, 2011 - link

    I played Wow. Actually I got an email invitation for me to download the game for free and try for one game.
    Given I bought a copy before (and lost it. This shows how much I enjoyed Wow.) for 40 bucks and tried for 5 days for free (didn't even bother for the remaining 25 days.)
    I hope there are so really good MMO out there. I enjoyed MMO but the pace of most MMOs is so slow....
  • Bullet009 - Sunday, September 25, 2011 - link

    It seems to me that you all have formed an opinion off of someone's else's, which to me, really isn't the proper thing to do. I have played the beta, and I can tell you that it has the same quality/even better then the previous KOTORS had.

    The story and voice-overs are the star points on what makes it different then other MMO's, and yes, I will be buying it, and I will pay the monthly fee of whatever it is "as long as its under 15.00".

    I have been impressed with every aspect of the game, getting onto Tatooine and having pvp going on, nothing beats it. Visually, the game is remarkable, they found their style and have been able to polish it so it looks beautiful.

    If you have doubts, buy the game, and play the 30 free days, form your own opinion, and judge for yourself. And I might just see you.

    Peace is a lie.
  • Spazweasel - Monday, September 26, 2011 - link

    Free-to-play pay-to-win has its advantages, but one of the worst aspects is that it brings in people who have no stake in the game. They will exploit, be absolute jerks, and otherwise make others miserable because they have no financial stake in the game. We've seen this over and over again on FTP games; nothing to lose, so why not start a guild named "KillAllJewFags"?

    I'd like at least one decent game to avoid this sort of thing.
  • nyran125 - Saturday, October 1, 2011 - link

    call of duty elite is $48 a year, no way im spending this much. $14.94 = $179 (+$60 for game) a year. lol. my internet bill per year is already $1260 per year for a 60gb per month plan.

    Imagine if every game had a subscription fee like this and you played 10 or so insane, id have to stop gaming
  • nyran125 - Saturday, October 1, 2011 - link

    p.s i wish people would stop supporting sub fees....Its not like Broadband is cheap or anything by itself.

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