I don’t consider myself a violent person at all. However, it’s imaginable that in the right situation with the right circumstances, either you or I could be equally prone to such behavior or worse. Disagree? Read up on history, my friend. There’s been more than one instance in which people have behaved in a manner that is purportedly not consistent with their “nature”. What do you really know about your conscious/unconscious/subconscious self? Presumably little if you disagree with my premise. Sorry if I sound cynical but it would be a stretch to say most people are even somewhat self-aware or sentient and judging from the responses in this thread, people are gladly willing to match or better the original transgression with one of their own. People are quick to act on emotions. Makes you wonder if there is actually a “ghost in the shell.”
And a question for the people who believe animals are better than people… I’m inclined to think animals don’t weigh moral and ethical ramifications when they take the lives of their prey. They don’t feel guilt. They do what their instinct drives them to do. We use adjectives like “sad”, “horrible”, “atrocious” to anthropomorphize the process of creation / destruction but it exists and occurs regardless of our intervention. So why do we judge humans more harshly than animals? Would you judge a murderer with an IQ of 140 harsher than a murderer with an IQ of 75? Why?
I think in due time all outcomes will be realized. If you toss 10 dice an indefinite number of times, you will eventually hit all sixes. Likewise, human behavior will play itself out in every combination possible. What does this mean? Our idea of deviance will continually seem timid to those who come after us.
I've thrown rocks at windows as a kid. I lit the occasional bag of dog crap on fire on the neighbors stoop and rang the bell. Sure, I even stole a few packs of gum from the 7-11 when growing up -- but I never killed anything. Kids will be kids is true, but these people are not kids - they are people who's sense of right and wrong is seriously flawed. They are the people who grow up to rape and kill. They are the type of people that do not deserve to live, and just bring our society down.
Anyone who can logically justify what they did is just as damaged as they are. No more, no less.
One has to wonder what our society is coming to with things like this happening. I hate to say it's a vicious circle and people who do things like this do not have a place in our society, nor deserve to be part of our world. They can not be trusted. I fully support an immeidate death sentence for anyone who performs a crime that is classified to be a threat to human-kind and it is the only way to really deal with these issues.
29 - Posted on Jul 5, 2004 at 8:48 AM by Bugsbunny
They're just animals not people. The kids should have to pay for the vet care of the older dog for not finishing killing it all the way but no other punishment is necessary. Klling animals is not wrong at all. Although you should eat them if you kill them.
Of course you should eat them. That's exactly how Jeffrey Dahmer felt about his "animals".
38 - Posted on Jul 5, 2004 at 9:32 PM by Anon
Buggspussy and Visual,
I'd love for you say such things in the presence of people like myself who feel otherwise. Your asenine remarks would lead to alot of hospital time, I can assure you.
Animal abuse is bad, of course human abuse is just fine.
41 - Posted on Jul 5, 2004 at 11:21 PM by Anonymous Reply
I have two cats and a dog, the dog came from a rescue agency in the area, and she's the sweetest little mutt. Loves everyone, barks like a maniac outside and people and dogs walking by, but will be your friend for life if you pet her.
Have you considered discipline/obedience training to eliminate your dog's incessant barking which you MUST know is disturbing everyone else in the neighborhood?! THINK about it! NOBODY wants to be disturbed by a damn barking dog. Quit being an ignorant inconsiderate dog owner. You actually DO have responsibilities to not infringe upon your neighbors.
43 - Posted on Jul 6, 2004 at 10:17 AM by ImJacksAmygdala
You want to hear something even sicker? I know a guy that grew up in Mexico and his wife told me that when he was a kid all the local kids would drown puppies for fun at 6-10 years old... I'm a serious dog lover and I just couldn't imagine... WTF?!?!
YOU want something sicker???!!! Go to http://www.ogrish.com and witness TRUE sick! Here you will find all kinds of cruelty to HUMANS, but then again they don't count.... mostly courtesy of the Middle East BTW. Wow! You even get to watch real live people getting their heads cut off with a knife...yes, while they are still alive; or watch a man with an arm tied to two separate vehicles play "wishbone"! You really want to talk sick???!!!
It has not been found to be a hoax. One and only one of the four news stations here reported that to be the case. It has since been discovered that there were dead puppies....
You want to hear something even sicker? I know a guy that grew up in Mexico and his wife told me that when he was a kid all the local kids would drown puppies for fun at 6-10 years old... I'm a serious dog lover and I just couldn't imagine... WTF?!?!
About a year or two ago, near where I live, there was an incident of animal cruelty. Apparently some kids (they presumed, no one was ever caught), took an older womans dog, that was "friendly to everyone," and tied it to some railroad tracks...
They got what they were hoping for, which was a freight train...
I had always hoped that if they caught the sh**heads who did this, that someone would tie them to the same tracks and walk away...
I have two cats and a dog, the dog came from a rescue agency in the area, and she's the sweetest little mutt. Loves everyone, barks like a maniac outside and people and dogs walking by, but will be your friend for life if you pet her.
I think an "eye for an eye" punishment system might curb some animal cruelty, but then all the "bleeding hearts" will start screaming about "cruel and unusual punishment."
The key work is "punishment." Frankly, I think that sheriff down south, with the "work camp" prisons has the right idea...
I really hope this turns out to be a hoax. Those kids still need some sort of psychiatric help for burning that dog. Their actions are still quite sick.
I live in Tulsa. I was shocked to read that article, however, I must inform you all that this story was a fabricated hoax. Six puppies did not die, however some kids were questioned about abuse to the black lab shown in that article. There was still animal abuse.
This was a shock to follow that link and find out it was in my own home town. That probably doesn't give it a good impression to a lot of people, but I can tell you that most people here love animals. There's always a few bad apples out there to mess things up.
Buggspussy and Visual,
I'd love for you say such things in the presence of people like myself who feel otherwise. Your asenine remarks would lead to alot of hospital time, I can assure you.
I'm sick over this. What we need to do is catch the people who did this and put a M80 in there mouth!!! I don't care if its a 10 year old kid or a 90 old man. An eye for an eye.
yep, doing harm to animals is one of the ultimate cruelties.
btw, i'd like to see some review of the performance difference between boards like Tyan Thunder K8W (S2885) and Tiger K8W (S2875).
So, it is apparent that the total memory capacity of Tiger boards are less, because of lesser RAM Slots. But, isn't the available bandwidth also is lesser. Because, Thunder has each processor accessing its own RAM bank at 6.4Gbps through dual-channel interface and the other processor's at 6.4Gbps hypertransport interface. But, keeping caches coherent may be a problem.
But, in Tiger, one processor has 6.4Gbps through dual-channel interface and the other through hypertransport. But, second processor accesses'll be through cache of first processor, meaning cache-coherency is very easy.
So, what about a NUMA review of the two types of designs? If its not possible under Windows, why not under Linux or maybe BSDs too??!!!
The article says that between the time the bodies were reported and the time authorities arrived, the bodies were removed.
It's obvious this isn't a bunch of kids who'll now remember what they've done and never do it again. It's a group of people (Age doesn't matter) who were covering up what they've done.
Almost as sick as what the pricks that did this make me feel. Do they have no conscience?
They'd be getting a bloody good beating if they did anything like this anywhere near me, but the bloody justice system would do me with assault and they'd get away with a slap on the wrist.
OMG!!! WTF are you thinking..."Killing animals is not wrong'!?!?!??! Also yes kids will be kids but shoving fireworks in a dog and KILLING them is not being a kid. ALso i would be willing to bet that these are not kids but teenagers that are over 18 who know full well what they did. I mean with the exception of getting them from someone or stealing them how would anyone younger get a hold of them.
No these kids should definately serve a nice LONG time in jail.
They're just animals not people. The kids should have to pay for the vet care of the older dog for not finishing killing it all the way but no other punishment is necessary. Klling animals is not wrong at all. Although you should eat them if you kill them.
Killing and torturing animals is not mischief, and in my opinion is certainly worthy of time in prison for a good long time.
It really upsets me to think there are people in this world, like you, who justify these peoples actions. And who's to say they will regret it? They only way to prevent it from happening is to bring them to terms with what they've done through the justice system. Too many sick fucks out there and I'd be happy to remove one if I ever saw them doing anything remotely like this - pick on someone their own size at least.
Granted, kids do some stupid things in life, I've done a lot of crap that I'm not proud of, but when you torture animals, that is serious. It's not just a kid breaking a window with a baseball or a rock, there are some deep rooted psychological issues that
can be harmful to the kid and to society later on down the road. That is one of the first things psychiatrists will ask if a child is acting in an antisocial way, "Has your child ever tortured or killed an animal?"
i agree it's not a nice thing to happen, but you are overreacting.
> why would a person do such a thing...
don't know why? never been a kid? never done anything bad?
i've had my own weird moments when i was younger, searching for adventures and fun. if i've not done something like this, its probably just because i was scared by dogs :P
think about it, kids are just kids :) they do stupid things often enough, and i'm sure they regret it later.
granted, this particular incident is a bit more drastic that your usual mischief. and i bet it left the kids quite scared by their own actions too (as someone said they will probably remember this forever), almost certainly they are now sorry and will hardly do it again... finding out who they were and making sure they feel sorry for their actions is a nice thing, but don't go over the board with it.
getting them "arrested and convicted" doesn't seem right to me, these are not some hardened criminals we're talking about (yet)
> "What comes around goes around."
> "I hope the dogs pull through and justice is served to the perps."
> "Even more just it would have been if the rabbit had attacked the guys and killed them in the explosion."
Statements like these are what trully makes me sad in this case. The goal of punisment should not be revenge, nor is there any kind of "justice" to restore in this case. I hope that the "criminals" will learn from this incident and not repeat such mistakes again. If you want any other kind of "justice" then you're just weird.
All this goes for the case that some kids did this... it's also quite possible that it was done by adults, probably drunken or just plain sick. Then it is really sad that such people exist, but we all know they exist even without this particular incident. So there's nothing new to go excited about in this case.
this is a rediculous and cowardous thing. what is wrong with our species that we do things like this for no good purpose.
i am appauled by murder of any living thing, the intentional killing of another thing. dogs are a much more honorable species it seems, they attack in defence and loyalty to their masters, or at the very lest in ignorance.
why would a person do such a thing to man's most loyal friend in the animal kindom. if this is how we treat out friends!
I cannot believe people can be that horrible. I swear if i saw anything to that degree ill garauntee that the culprit would be deaalt with beyond anything i ever imagined. Im just speechless now. I pray that people like that will be caught, if not (sorry for all non christians but im chrisitian) then its all up to god!
There was a story a while ago about some guys that where playing around with rabbits and dynamite. After they strapped a stick to one of the rabbits and let it go the rabbit ran to hide under one of the guys' brand new truck.
Even more just it would have been if the rabbit had attacked the guys and killed them in the explosion. I know, I'm not very nice.
#19: I totally agree with you. If you can't take of your pet, the least you can do is try to find a good home for them. It is sad to just leave them on the street. There are insane people living on our streets that we don't know about. I bet the boys under the influence of either alcohol or drugs.
OMFG! When i hear this stuff about cruelty to animals i go berserk.
Now why in the world would some guys enjoy stuffing a firecracker in a puppy's mouth and set it off? So they think they are cool? there are much better ways to be cool. Do they need to vent? then they should not do so on a poor animal. Fu***ng ba**ards. If i see someone doing that to an animal i will have difficulty not running the guy over with a truck. I mean, geez.
Where i live there is a never ending flow of homeless kittens and puppies (maybe 3 every month). They are all abandoned by their "owners". Another form of cruelty. Thankfully i have found a home for all of them i have found (having 6cats and 2 dogs personally - yes, the house is crowded. Also, since they were all grown together they play with each other a lot [even cats with dogs] -- and asking friends and relatives if they wanted a pet) but it is still needless cruelty.
I dont want to sound like a preacher - but why cant we all just live together?
OMFG! When i hear this stuff about cruelty to animals i go berserk.
Now why in the world would some guys enjoy stuffing a firecracker in a puppy's mouth and set it off? So they think they are cool? there are much better ways to be cool. Do they need to vent? then they should not do so on a poor animal. Fu***ng ba**ards. If i see someone doing that to an animal i will have difficulty not running the guy over with a truck. I mean, geez.
Where i live there is a never ending flow of homeless kittens and puppies (maybe 3 every month). They are all abandoned by their "owners". Another form of cruelty. Thankfully i have found a home for all of them i have found (having 6cats and 2 dogs personally - yes, the house is crowded. Also, since they were all grown together they play with each other a lot [even cats with dogs] -- and asking friends and relatives if they wanted a pet) but it is still needless cruelty.
I dont want to sound like a preacher - but why cant we all just live together?
#15: I think we hurt sites like AT when we block sites and don't tell me "Would it really matter with only one person?" because even though people don't realize it, every little bit hurts a site. It's unfortunate that people who visit sites like AnandTech are too selfish. You guys block ads and read the content. It's all about you, isn't it?
#15- thanks for the advise....at least for the second paragraph.;-)
unfortunately, if you visit <animalcruelty.com>, we see that this kind of treatment toward animals is all too common. i heard last week that some idiots were caught pouring beer down the blowholes of some whales off the coast of calif. wonder what their fine was, if anything?
#14, sorry...didn't think anybody cared... #15, never knew there was a place to post comments on the article before...will do that next time(this makes me wish there was an edit button..)
#13 - This is not the right place - you should try the Software forum on the real AnandTech forums... This is Anand's personal blog, and I _thought_ the purpose of this comment section was to make comments on the stuff he writes _in his blog_. Comments on the articles should probably be made in the articles themselves. ;-)
Anyway, you could try using a real browser, like Mozilla, that won't pop up a dialog every single freaking time you encounter a page that has flash on it. I personally don't have flash installed, because it is only used for ads (and thus not installing Flash is a great way to block the ads that an image-ad-blocking software would miss), and Mozilla never bothers me about it, other than putting a box in place of where the Flash component would be, saying "click here to install the plugin."
i don't know what forum to use for this question so, sorry if i'm off topic but whenever i visit anandtech i have to get rid of a pop-up add from macromedia flashplayer at least 5 to 7 times on every page i visit. since i'm building a new system i have had to click off this add hundreds of times. i called macromedia and they told me that anandtech required their product and anandtech's site was the one asking me to install their flashplayer to "view the site properly". is this true? after reading their "privacy policy" i really don't want to install their stuff. please advise.
Let me say that I am from Tulsa and these guys are being hunted down with a passion. And the surviving dogs have already been adopted and are in good hands.
That is sick, horrible, and disgusting... maybe the punishment should be like for like; I wonder how those kids would like to eat a firecracker.
Sad to say, but much worse has happened in the area where I live. I'm not going to describe what I heard, but may it suffice to say that it makes this look very minor. Not surprising, though as this part of IN is considered the murder and methamphetamine (sp?) capitol of the state. It supports GT's comment about cruelty to animals leading straight to cruelty to mankind. :-(
You know what they say about people who are cruel to animals: the transition to being cruel to people is a very small step. Those kids could easily end up participating in the next Columbine.
Very sad indeed. I hope the dogs pull through and justice is served to the perps.
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GeekPhilosopher - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - link
I don’t consider myself a violent person at all. However, it’s imaginable that in the right situation with the right circumstances, either you or I could be equally prone to such behavior or worse. Disagree? Read up on history, my friend. There’s been more than one instance in which people have behaved in a manner that is purportedly not consistent with their “nature”. What do you really know about your conscious/unconscious/subconscious self? Presumably little if you disagree with my premise. Sorry if I sound cynical but it would be a stretch to say most people are even somewhat self-aware or sentient and judging from the responses in this thread, people are gladly willing to match or better the original transgression with one of their own. People are quick to act on emotions. Makes you wonder if there is actually a “ghost in the shell.”And a question for the people who believe animals are better than people… I’m inclined to think animals don’t weigh moral and ethical ramifications when they take the lives of their prey. They don’t feel guilt. They do what their instinct drives them to do. We use adjectives like “sad”, “horrible”, “atrocious” to anthropomorphize the process of creation / destruction but it exists and occurs regardless of our intervention. So why do we judge humans more harshly than animals? Would you judge a murderer with an IQ of 140 harsher than a murderer with an IQ of 75? Why?
I think in due time all outcomes will be realized. If you toss 10 dice an indefinite number of times, you will eventually hit all sixes. Likewise, human behavior will play itself out in every combination possible. What does this mean? Our idea of deviance will continually seem timid to those who come after us.
Dog Lover - Friday, July 16, 2004 - link
I've thrown rocks at windows as a kid. I lit the occasional bag of dog crap on fire on the neighbors stoop and rang the bell. Sure, I even stole a few packs of gum from the 7-11 when growing up -- but I never killed anything. Kids will be kids is true, but these people are not kids - they are people who's sense of right and wrong is seriously flawed. They are the people who grow up to rape and kill. They are the type of people that do not deserve to live, and just bring our society down.Anyone who can logically justify what they did is just as damaged as they are. No more, no less.
Dog Lover - Friday, July 16, 2004 - link
One has to wonder what our society is coming to with things like this happening. I hate to say it's a vicious circle and people who do things like this do not have a place in our society, nor deserve to be part of our world. They can not be trusted. I fully support an immeidate death sentence for anyone who performs a crime that is classified to be a threat to human-kind and it is the only way to really deal with these issues.Apollyon - Wednesday, July 7, 2004 - link
@Bugsbunny:What's your address, I promise I'll eat you after I've killed you.
You I'd eat as well, should I ever find you.
noneyabusiness - Wednesday, July 7, 2004 - link
29 - Posted on Jul 5, 2004 at 8:48 AM by BugsbunnyThey're just animals not people. The kids should have to pay for the vet care of the older dog for not finishing killing it all the way but no other punishment is necessary. Klling animals is not wrong at all. Although you should eat them if you kill them.
Of course you should eat them. That's exactly how Jeffrey Dahmer felt about his "animals".
38 - Posted on Jul 5, 2004 at 9:32 PM by Anon
Buggspussy and Visual,
I'd love for you say such things in the presence of people like myself who feel otherwise. Your asenine remarks would lead to alot of hospital time, I can assure you.
Animal abuse is bad, of course human abuse is just fine.
41 - Posted on Jul 5, 2004 at 11:21 PM by Anonymous Reply
I have two cats and a dog, the dog came from a rescue agency in the area, and she's the sweetest little mutt. Loves everyone, barks like a maniac outside and people and dogs walking by, but will be your friend for life if you pet her.
Have you considered discipline/obedience training to eliminate your dog's incessant barking which you MUST know is disturbing everyone else in the neighborhood?! THINK about it! NOBODY wants to be disturbed by a damn barking dog. Quit being an ignorant inconsiderate dog owner. You actually DO have responsibilities to not infringe upon your neighbors.
43 - Posted on Jul 6, 2004 at 10:17 AM by ImJacksAmygdala
You want to hear something even sicker? I know a guy that grew up in Mexico and his wife told me that when he was a kid all the local kids would drown puppies for fun at 6-10 years old... I'm a serious dog lover and I just couldn't imagine... WTF?!?!
YOU want something sicker???!!! Go to http://www.ogrish.com and witness TRUE sick! Here you will find all kinds of cruelty to HUMANS, but then again they don't count.... mostly courtesy of the Middle East BTW. Wow! You even get to watch real live people getting their heads cut off with a knife...yes, while they are still alive; or watch a man with an arm tied to two separate vehicles play "wishbone"! You really want to talk sick???!!!
gimper48 - Wednesday, July 7, 2004 - link
This is a tragic. I hope those kids get theirs. I cannot believe this article.. ugghh humanity.Td - Tuesday, July 6, 2004 - link
I agree "What comes around goes around". Animals, babies and other types of life are so innocent how can you possibly do anything to them??Seth! - Tuesday, July 6, 2004 - link
SWEET! I hate animals, they are nothing but food to humans!shinerburke - Tuesday, July 6, 2004 - link
It has not been found to be a hoax. One and only one of the four news stations here reported that to be the case. It has since been discovered that there were dead puppies....rg - Tuesday, July 6, 2004 - link
I'm lost for words... I can't believe that someone would do something like that.ImJacksAmygdala - Tuesday, July 6, 2004 - link
You want to hear something even sicker? I know a guy that grew up in Mexico and his wife told me that when he was a kid all the local kids would drown puppies for fun at 6-10 years old... I'm a serious dog lover and I just couldn't imagine... WTF?!?!Angus - Monday, July 5, 2004 - link
Human is a more dangerous species than dog. May be it should be us who should be handcuffed & on chains rather than dogs being muzzled & on leads.Anonymous - Monday, July 5, 2004 - link
About a year or two ago, near where I live, there was an incident of animal cruelty. Apparently some kids (they presumed, no one was ever caught), took an older womans dog, that was "friendly to everyone," and tied it to some railroad tracks...They got what they were hoping for, which was a freight train...
I had always hoped that if they caught the sh**heads who did this, that someone would tie them to the same tracks and walk away...
I have two cats and a dog, the dog came from a rescue agency in the area, and she's the sweetest little mutt. Loves everyone, barks like a maniac outside and people and dogs walking by, but will be your friend for life if you pet her.
I think an "eye for an eye" punishment system might curb some animal cruelty, but then all the "bleeding hearts" will start screaming about "cruel and unusual punishment."
The key work is "punishment." Frankly, I think that sheriff down south, with the "work camp" prisons has the right idea...
I'll just get off my soapbox now....
Anonymous - Monday, July 5, 2004 - link
I really hope this turns out to be a hoax. Those kids still need some sort of psychiatric help for burning that dog. Their actions are still quite sick.ScoRp!oN - Monday, July 5, 2004 - link
I live in Tulsa. I was shocked to read that article, however, I must inform you all that this story was a fabricated hoax. Six puppies did not die, however some kids were questioned about abuse to the black lab shown in that article. There was still animal abuse.This was a shock to follow that link and find out it was in my own home town. That probably doesn't give it a good impression to a lot of people, but I can tell you that most people here love animals. There's always a few bad apples out there to mess things up.
Here is the article...
Anon - Monday, July 5, 2004 - link
Buggspussy and Visual,I'd love for you say such things in the presence of people like myself who feel otherwise. Your asenine remarks would lead to alot of hospital time, I can assure you.
Anonymous - Monday, July 5, 2004 - link
hiEli - Monday, July 5, 2004 - link
I felt physically sick while reading that. I hope the offenders go to jail for many years.Marc - Monday, July 5, 2004 - link
I'm sick over this. What we need to do is catch the people who did this and put a M80 in there mouth!!! I don't care if its a 10 year old kid or a 90 old man. An eye for an eye.shinerburke - Monday, July 5, 2004 - link
[L=Thread about it in OT here]http://forums.anandtech.com/messageview.cfm?catid=...[/L]skarthikeyan - Monday, July 5, 2004 - link
yep, doing harm to animals is one of the ultimate cruelties.btw, i'd like to see some review of the performance difference between boards like Tyan Thunder K8W (S2885) and Tiger K8W (S2875).
Their architecture are different it seems:
Tyan Thunder K8W (S2885):
Processor-0 -------> RAM bank1
Processor-1 --------> RAM bank2
Tyan K8W (S2875):
Processor-0 -------> RAM bank1
So, it is apparent that the total memory capacity of Tiger boards are less, because of lesser RAM Slots. But, isn't the available bandwidth also is lesser. Because, Thunder has each processor accessing its own RAM bank at 6.4Gbps through dual-channel interface and the other processor's at 6.4Gbps hypertransport interface. But, keeping caches coherent may be a problem.
But, in Tiger, one processor has 6.4Gbps through dual-channel interface and the other through hypertransport. But, second processor accesses'll be through cache of first processor, meaning cache-coherency is very easy.
So, what about a NUMA review of the two types of designs? If its not possible under Windows, why not under Linux or maybe BSDs too??!!!
ian_whthse - Monday, July 5, 2004 - link
Re:#25The article says that between the time the bodies were reported and the time authorities arrived, the bodies were removed.
It's obvious this isn't a bunch of kids who'll now remember what they've done and never do it again. It's a group of people (Age doesn't matter) who were covering up what they've done.
Anonymous - Monday, July 5, 2004 - link
Bugsbunny, you make me sick.Almost as sick as what the pricks that did this make me feel. Do they have no conscience?
They'd be getting a bloody good beating if they did anything like this anywhere near me, but the bloody justice system would do me with assault and they'd get away with a slap on the wrist.
Gamingphreek - Monday, July 5, 2004 - link
OMG!!! WTF are you thinking..."Killing animals is not wrong'!?!?!??! Also yes kids will be kids but shoving fireworks in a dog and KILLING them is not being a kid. ALso i would be willing to bet that these are not kids but teenagers that are over 18 who know full well what they did. I mean with the exception of getting them from someone or stealing them how would anyone younger get a hold of them.No these kids should definately serve a nice LONG time in jail.
Bugsbunny - Monday, July 5, 2004 - link
They're just animals not people. The kids should have to pay for the vet care of the older dog for not finishing killing it all the way but no other punishment is necessary. Klling animals is not wrong at all. Although you should eat them if you kill them.tfranzese - Monday, July 5, 2004 - link
Re:#25Killing and torturing animals is not mischief, and in my opinion is certainly worthy of time in prison for a good long time.
It really upsets me to think there are people in this world, like you, who justify these peoples actions. And who's to say they will regret it? They only way to prevent it from happening is to bring them to terms with what they've done through the justice system. Too many sick fucks out there and I'd be happy to remove one if I ever saw them doing anything remotely like this - pick on someone their own size at least.
YOGI - Monday, July 5, 2004 - link
Re:#25Granted, kids do some stupid things in life, I've done a lot of crap that I'm not proud of, but when you torture animals, that is serious. It's not just a kid breaking a window with a baseball or a rock, there are some deep rooted psychological issues that
can be harmful to the kid and to society later on down the road. That is one of the first things psychiatrists will ask if a child is acting in an antisocial way, "Has your child ever tortured or killed an animal?"
visual - Monday, July 5, 2004 - link
eeew... you people are weird.i agree it's not a nice thing to happen, but you are overreacting.
> why would a person do such a thing...
don't know why? never been a kid? never done anything bad?
i've had my own weird moments when i was younger, searching for adventures and fun. if i've not done something like this, its probably just because i was scared by dogs :P
think about it, kids are just kids :) they do stupid things often enough, and i'm sure they regret it later.
granted, this particular incident is a bit more drastic that your usual mischief. and i bet it left the kids quite scared by their own actions too (as someone said they will probably remember this forever), almost certainly they are now sorry and will hardly do it again... finding out who they were and making sure they feel sorry for their actions is a nice thing, but don't go over the board with it.
getting them "arrested and convicted" doesn't seem right to me, these are not some hardened criminals we're talking about (yet)
> "What comes around goes around."
> "I hope the dogs pull through and justice is served to the perps."
> "Even more just it would have been if the rabbit had attacked the guys and killed them in the explosion."
Statements like these are what trully makes me sad in this case. The goal of punisment should not be revenge, nor is there any kind of "justice" to restore in this case. I hope that the "criminals" will learn from this incident and not repeat such mistakes again. If you want any other kind of "justice" then you're just weird.
All this goes for the case that some kids did this... it's also quite possible that it was done by adults, probably drunken or just plain sick. Then it is really sad that such people exist, but we all know they exist even without this particular incident. So there's nothing new to go excited about in this case.
anshul - Monday, July 5, 2004 - link
agreed. horrible. unimaginable how people can be so.dan - Monday, July 5, 2004 - link
this is a rediculous and cowardous thing. what is wrong with our species that we do things like this for no good purpose.i am appauled by murder of any living thing, the intentional killing of another thing. dogs are a much more honorable species it seems, they attack in defence and loyalty to their masters, or at the very lest in ignorance.
why would a person do such a thing to man's most loyal friend in the animal kindom. if this is how we treat out friends!
Gamingphreek - Saturday, July 3, 2004 - link
I cannot believe people can be that horrible. I swear if i saw anything to that degree ill garauntee that the culprit would be deaalt with beyond anything i ever imagined. Im just speechless now. I pray that people like that will be caught, if not (sorry for all non christians but im chrisitian) then its all up to god!-Kevin
Anonymous - Friday, July 2, 2004 - link
There was a story a while ago about some guys that where playing around with rabbits and dynamite. After they strapped a stick to one of the rabbits and let it go the rabbit ran to hide under one of the guys' brand new truck.Even more just it would have been if the rabbit had attacked the guys and killed them in the explosion. I know, I'm not very nice.
Anonymous - Friday, July 2, 2004 - link
#19: I totally agree with you. If you can't take of your pet, the least you can do is try to find a good home for them. It is sad to just leave them on the street. There are insane people living on our streets that we don't know about. I bet the boys under the influence of either alcohol or drugs.Serp_86 - Friday, July 2, 2004 - link
OMFG! When i hear this stuff about cruelty to animals i go berserk.Now why in the world would some guys enjoy stuffing a firecracker in a puppy's mouth and set it off? So they think they are cool? there are much better ways to be cool. Do they need to vent? then they should not do so on a poor animal. Fu***ng ba**ards. If i see someone doing that to an animal i will have difficulty not running the guy over with a truck. I mean, geez.
Where i live there is a never ending flow of homeless kittens and puppies (maybe 3 every month). They are all abandoned by their "owners". Another form of cruelty. Thankfully i have found a home for all of them i have found (having 6cats and 2 dogs personally - yes, the house is crowded. Also, since they were all grown together they play with each other a lot [even cats with dogs] -- and asking friends and relatives if they wanted a pet) but it is still needless cruelty.
I dont want to sound like a preacher - but why cant we all just live together?
Serp_86 - Friday, July 2, 2004 - link
OMFG! When i hear this stuff about cruelty to animals i go berserk.Now why in the world would some guys enjoy stuffing a firecracker in a puppy's mouth and set it off? So they think they are cool? there are much better ways to be cool. Do they need to vent? then they should not do so on a poor animal. Fu***ng ba**ards. If i see someone doing that to an animal i will have difficulty not running the guy over with a truck. I mean, geez.
Where i live there is a never ending flow of homeless kittens and puppies (maybe 3 every month). They are all abandoned by their "owners". Another form of cruelty. Thankfully i have found a home for all of them i have found (having 6cats and 2 dogs personally - yes, the house is crowded. Also, since they were all grown together they play with each other a lot [even cats with dogs] -- and asking friends and relatives if they wanted a pet) but it is still needless cruelty.
I dont want to sound like a preacher - but why cant we all just live together?
Anonymous - Friday, July 2, 2004 - link
#15: I think we hurt sites like AT when we block sites and don't tell me "Would it really matter with only one person?" because even though people don't realize it, every little bit hurts a site. It's unfortunate that people who visit sites like AnandTech are too selfish. You guys block ads and read the content. It's all about you, isn't it?What a selfish thing to do to a commercial site?
roosterkros - Thursday, July 1, 2004 - link
#15- thanks for the advise....at least for the second paragraph.;-)unfortunately, if you visit <animalcruelty.com>,
we see that this kind of treatment toward animals is all too common. i heard last week that some idiots were caught pouring beer down the blowholes of some whales off the coast of calif. wonder what their fine was, if anything?
yelo333 - Thursday, July 1, 2004 - link
#14, sorry...didn't think anybody cared...#15, never knew there was a place to post comments on the article before...will do that next time(this makes me wish there was an edit button..)
Anand, my apologies for spamming your blog...
jliechty - Thursday, July 1, 2004 - link
#13 - This is not the right place - you should try the Software forum on the real AnandTech forums... This is Anand's personal blog, and I _thought_ the purpose of this comment section was to make comments on the stuff he writes _in his blog_. Comments on the articles should probably be made in the articles themselves. ;-)Anyway, you could try using a real browser, like Mozilla, that won't pop up a dialog every single freaking time you encounter a page that has flash on it. I personally don't have flash installed, because it is only used for ads (and thus not installing Flash is a great way to block the ads that an image-ad-blocking software would miss), and Mozilla never bothers me about it, other than putting a box in place of where the Flash component would be, saying "click here to install the plugin."
Adam K. - Thursday, July 1, 2004 - link
WHERE THE HELL IS THE RAPTOR ARTICLE?Just kidding, Anand. But now that fool will finally shut up...LOL...
roosterkrows - Thursday, July 1, 2004 - link
i don't know what forum to use for this question so, sorry if i'm off topic but whenever i visit anandtech i have to get rid of a pop-up add from macromedia flashplayer at least 5 to 7 times on every page i visit. since i'm building a new system i have had to click off this add hundreds of times. i called macromedia and they told me that anandtech required their product and anandtech's site was the one asking me to install their flashplayer to "view the site properly". is this true? after reading their "privacy policy" i really don't want to install their stuff. please advise.Brian Smith - Thursday, July 1, 2004 - link
Let me say that I am from Tulsa and these guys are being hunted down with a passion. And the surviving dogs have already been adopted and are in good hands.yelo333 - Thursday, July 1, 2004 - link
Just wanted to say...great article! I won't be getting RAID-0 anytime soon...Anonymous - Thursday, July 1, 2004 - link
What comes around goes around. They will get what is coming to them.jliechty - Wednesday, June 30, 2004 - link
That is sick, horrible, and disgusting... maybe the punishment should be like for like; I wonder how those kids would like to eat a firecracker.Sad to say, but much worse has happened in the area where I live. I'm not going to describe what I heard, but may it suffice to say that it makes this look very minor. Not surprising, though as this part of IN is considered the murder and methamphetamine (sp?) capitol of the state. It supports GT's comment about cruelty to animals leading straight to cruelty to mankind. :-(
peter - Wednesday, June 30, 2004 - link
stop animal testing! go vegan!Anonymous - Wednesday, June 30, 2004 - link
Same here. I would send the kids to jail and heavily fine their parents for that.Adam K. - Wednesday, June 30, 2004 - link
I agree.wassup4u2 - Wednesday, June 30, 2004 - link
That's disgusting. How can you possibly do that?! I'd be scarred for life if I saw that happen.andy - Wednesday, June 30, 2004 - link
cruelty to animals is one of the worst forms of cowardiceboonesmi - Wednesday, June 30, 2004 - link
that makes me sickdtravis - Wednesday, June 30, 2004 - link
That is so sad. Hope they catch the people who did that to the poor animals.GTaudiophile - Wednesday, June 30, 2004 - link
You know what they say about people who are cruel to animals: the transition to being cruel to people is a very small step. Those kids could easily end up participating in the next Columbine.Very sad indeed. I hope the dogs pull through and justice is served to the perps.