Benchmarking Performance: CPU Office Tests

The office programs we use for benchmarking aren't specific programs per-se, but industry standard tests that hold weight with professionals. The goal of these tests is to use an array of software and techniques that a typical office user might encounter, such as video conferencing, document editing, architectural modelling, and so on and so forth.

All of our benchmark results can also be found in our benchmark engine, Bench.

Chromium Compile (v56)

Our new compilation test uses Windows 10 Pro, VS Community 2015.3 with the Win10 SDK to combile a nightly build of Chromium. We've fixed the test for a build in late March 2017, and we run a fresh full compile in our test. Compilation is the typical example given of a variable threaded workload - some of the compile and linking is linear, whereas other parts are multithreaded.

Office: Chromium Compile (v56)


PCMark8: link

Despite originally coming out in 2008/2009, Futuremark has maintained PCMark8 to remain relevant in 2017. On the scale of complicated tasks, PCMark focuses more on the low-to-mid range of professional workloads, making it a good indicator for what people consider 'office' work. We run the benchmark from the commandline in 'conventional' mode, meaning C++ over OpenCL, to remove the graphics card from the equation and focus purely on the CPU. PCMark8 offers Home, Work and Creative workloads, with some software tests shared and others unique to each benchmark set.

Office: PCMark8 Home (non-OpenCL)

Office: PCMark8 Work (non-OpenCL)

Benchmarking Performance: PCMark 10 Benchmarking Performance: CPU Rendering Tests
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  • mmrezaie - Monday, September 25, 2017 - link

    unofficially threadripper supports ECC. Do you have the plan to look into it?

    p.s. I sent an email to Anandtech support about abusive ads directing to some questionable websites. I am in EU and I see these ads for a long time now.
  • Ryan Smith - Monday, September 25, 2017 - link

    "p.s. I sent an email to Anandtech support about abusive ads directing to some questionable websites. I am in EU and I see these ads for a long time now."

    Er, we don't have a support email address. So I'm not sure who you sent that to.

    Anyhow, we're always trying to squash malvertising. It comes in on programmatic ads, which does make the process tricky. But if you can get it to reliably and repeatedly trigger, please contact me. If we can get network logs collected, then we can isolate the source and get said ads pulled.
  • mmrezaie - Monday, September 25, 2017 - link

    I sent it to advertisement link I found in the "contact us" page. Sorry by saying support. That's what we call it in our organization. thanks for the reply.
  • snowmyr - Monday, September 25, 2017 - link

    Check that link again and you'll see that it's not really an anandtech email address and might not get forwarded to the right people.
  • mmrezaie - Monday, September 25, 2017 - link

    I sent it to advertisement link I found in the "contact us" page. Sorry by saying support. That's what we call it in our organization. thanks for the reply.
  • AdditionalPylons - Monday, September 25, 2017 - link

    Just sent you a tweet with a screenshot, Ryan. I've been very annoyed with these clickbait ads for a
    very long time as well.
  • hughc - Monday, September 25, 2017 - link

    Wasn't sure what you were referring to. I have AdBlock whitelisting the domain, so I see all the display advertising.

    I'm also using ClickbaitKiller. Disabled it, and now I can see the unit in question - very happy to hide this trash.
  • thesavvymage - Monday, September 25, 2017 - link

    I get inappropriate ads as well. I'm not sure where I can send a screenshot, but the one I have on this page under the article is "This Is Better Than Adderall, According to US College Students. Try It!"

    Like what? This is a professional tech site and ads like that have no business being on here. Banner ads for tech companies? Good. Side ads for relevant products? Good. This BS thats always underneath every article? Absolutely unacceptable.
  • Gothmoth - Monday, September 25, 2017 - link

    do you really think anandtech cares how they make money.. maybe when anad was still here.

    i see these ads too, a website who cares about it´s reputation would distance itself from such crap.. but not anandtech.
  • ddriver - Monday, September 25, 2017 - link

    "maybe when anad was still here" LOL, if he didn't care about money, he'd not sell the site to money makers for money. That's the N1 business model, and the sole motivation for doing anything - get it to get popular, then sell it out, and all its users with it.

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